About Michelle Tennant

Good Morning America Producer Mable Chan calls Michelle Tennant a “Five Star Publicist.” Tennant, a partner and executive publicist with Wasabi Publicity Inc., calls herself a “storyteller to the media.” Her passion is telling “truly good stories” and “exclusively representing people who make a positive difference in the world.” For 30+ years, media friends have solicited her help in crafting news stories by requesting sources, sound bites, and statistics. An award-winning writer, Michelle peppers campaigns with insight from her master’s degree in human development, BFA from a top 25 drama school, and expertise seeing PR transition from typewriters to Twitter. She’s either spinning stories or spinning at the gym. After hours, she savors the Smoky Mountains with her husband, Siberian Husky, and backyard chickens. Learn more about her work through her column at Psychology Today. Check out the clients she's currently pitching at SearchPressKits.com.

NEWS HOOKS Losing My Religion

By |2015-05-13T10:33:59-04:00May 13th, 2015|

When pushed to the brink in the South, many say, "I'm about to lose my religion." It means, in other words, "I'm about to get medieval on you." Or, "I'm about to go postal." Still lost? Simply said, "I'm angry and about to get uncivil." How does religion influence society? It's been something we humans [...]

NEWS HOOKS Touchdown

By |2016-10-13T16:37:59-04:00May 12th, 2015|

Looking for your media coverage "touchdown?" If so, you might tie your news into deflate gate. Tom Brady's suspension is generating hot debate today. Remember, you can simply use the "deflate" analogy in your own industry. I recently heard a doctor called bioidentical hormone replacement therapy "putting air into your tires again." That's a nice [...]

NEWS HOOKS All The Black People

By |2016-10-13T16:37:59-04:00May 11th, 2015|

Sweeping statements starting with, "All the XXX" can never be good sound bites. For that matter, sound bites with the word never are never rarely good sound bites. In today's tablet-ubiquitous world, every thing you utter can be a sound bite that is heard around the world. Think about that. Clearly, this school principal did [...]

NEWS HOOKS Ice Cream Man

By |2015-05-08T05:35:58-04:00May 8th, 2015|

I can still hear the ice cream truck in the suburb where I grew up. I wonder if that truck had ice cream laced with listeria? ABC reports the Blue Bell Plant goes back 2 years with listeria contamination. If you're a foodie, sanitation expert or plant facilitation expert, now is your time to be [...]

NEWS HOOKS It’s Your Job

By |2015-05-07T11:04:52-04:00May 7th, 2015|

The economy is booming back, baby. Jobless claims hover near 15-year low says Reuters. If you're seeking to be part of the news cycle with the media you pitch, send press releases and invite to solicit your stats, sound bites and stories, now's a good time to tie-in jobs. These include: > Who you're hiring [...]