By |2015-07-03T12:35:24-04:00July 3rd, 2015|

Tomorrow you may eat 6,071 calories at a July 4th BBQ. A Tour de France cyclist will burn that much in one hour according to Business Insider. Mmm, the article says that's 3.6 Chipotle burritos, 6.9 Cinnabon rolls or 242.8 carrots. What you eat or don't eat can be big news. In today's breaking news, there's a "Fancy Food Show" [...]

NEWS HOOKS You’re Fired!

By |2015-06-30T12:34:45-04:00June 30th, 2015|

Jobs are in the news today. Donald Trump's jobs in particular. Running for president, Trump issued sound bites about immigrants that prompted NBC to say, "Trump, you're fired!" Trump threatens to sue. If you're an expert in reality shows, job hires/fires or anything related to partnerships, here's your opportunity to get in some sound bites [...]