For the Health of It

By |2016-09-12T11:46:29-04:00September 12th, 2016|

At six, I cried when my mother cleaned with ammonia, thinking she'd get pneumonia from it. She clarified it for me with a giggle. I passed out from pneumonia when I was 16. Attending a performing arts high school, I fainted into my father's arms in the parking lot while playing Miss Hannigan in Annie. [...]

Lap It Up

By |2016-08-18T15:57:05-04:00August 18th, 2016|

Rescue dogs are lapping it up at Starbucks to find forever homes. I lap up my coffee, cream and sugar every morning. And the Olympic gold medalists are lapping up PR attention, even if the PR's not about their medals. It leaves me wondering, what do we need to say to media to get their [...]

You’re An Idiot

By |2016-10-13T16:37:50-04:00July 5th, 2016|

"You're an idiot," said a YouTube hater to me about a video I did on how the Emotion Code healed my lower back pain and made my pets calm. I see hater comments as a clear indication my stories and messages are getting out there. Do you relate to your nay-sayers as good news? I do. The [...]

Love, Then Act

By |2016-10-13T16:37:50-04:00June 15th, 2016|

The Orlando mass shooting has many on social media saying, "It's time to act." I've considered myself an activist since my college days of organizing Amnesty International chapters in Chicago so I wake up saying, "How will I take action today to impact the greater good for all?" So when Mathew Shurka called me this morning to [...]


By |2016-10-13T16:37:50-04:00May 19th, 2016|

"Slavery's over, stupid," a man barked at me as I worked the Amnesty International booth in my college lunch building in the early 90's. I peacefully said, "But it isn't. That's why I'm standing here to inform you." He marched off, sighing. Confident he was right and I was wrong. Two years after kidnapping, the first Chibok [...]

Sparking “Little” Aha Moments

By |2017-11-24T10:46:45-05:00April 1st, 2016|

Explain how to spark aha moments and you'll get media coverage. I'm #SparkingAhaMoments with the White House today. You can too! Inside our annual pro bono work, Wasabi Publicity created the campaign and wrote this press release which contains links to children's activities for year-long "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day (TODASTW)" experiences. The TODASTW [...]

Where Ya From?

By |2016-10-13T16:37:50-04:00March 1st, 2016|

I am so excited about Loretta Lynn's new album. She's still a mountain girl and so am I. You see, the reason I love Loretta Lynn so much isn't because I like country music. It's because she and I were both born and raised in Kentucky. I'm the grand-daughter of a miner and well, as [...]

Lent News

By |2016-02-10T13:45:50-05:00February 10th, 2016|

Yes, today Lent begins, but I'm also dishing out tips on how to get media coverage on "lent news" as in get your angles lent to you. First, let's deal with Lent. I was raised Catholic and if you're like me, musicals, posts and jokes about being raised Catholic put a smile on your face. [...]

Lost In Space

By |2016-10-13T16:37:51-04:00January 19th, 2016|

Zinnia was lost yesterday. I've been missing in action on this blog since December. Blame my absence on an unplugged kayaking vacation in Costa Rica between Christmas and the New Year. Blame Zinnia being lost on the desire to get grass on the other side of the fence. Zinnia is my chicken. Zinnia is also [...]