Quotes and Quips

By |2016-10-13T16:38:15-04:00January 10th, 2011|

  Do you ask for quotes? If you do, well done. If you don’t, why not? Look, on the Internet (and in America for that matter), quotes win the day. Why? In cultures where everything is over-sold and over-promoted, we actually trust the comments of Joes and Janes. On the Internet, we’re looking for the [...]

Online Book Marketing, injected with a virus!

By |2016-10-13T16:38:15-04:00January 6th, 2011|

What on Earth did we do before YouTube? How did we watch missed episodes of our favorite TV shows, learn how to get six pack abs in three minutes, or check out the new Old Spice commercial everyone’s raving about – at the click of a button? Before YouTube’s launch in 2005, there were limited [...]

2011 is the year of social media…and the rabbit; so hop to it!

By |2016-10-13T16:38:15-04:00January 4th, 2011|

According to the Chinese zodiac, 2011 is the year of the rabbit (beginning February 3rd.) Social media is hopping. Time to jump on it! (with precautions of course...) Let’s look back to the age old Aesop fable, The Tortoise and the Hare. (have a second or sixty? read up.)  In the fable, the egotistic hare [...]

Keep New Year Resolutions … by TALKING?!?

By |2016-10-13T16:38:16-04:00December 30th, 2010|

My client, Landmark Education Communication Expert, David Cunningham appeared on CBS Radio Dallas/Ft. Worth discussing how to keep your New Year’s resolutions by TALKING. Two I’ve got this year are 1) Discuss my daily nutrition and exercise with a trainer and 2) Create adventure projects with my husband. Want to know how to “talk” your way into succeeding [...]

What is the coolest acknowledgment you ever received?

By |2016-10-13T16:38:16-04:00December 23rd, 2010|

Recently I received an email from half way around the world acknowledging what we are up to and the difference we are making for people. It got me reminiscing about the time as a young child when I was mesmerized by animated dolls from all over the world singing and dancing to “It's A Small World [...]

The Greatest Story Ever Told

By |2016-10-13T16:38:16-04:00December 22nd, 2010|

When I went to DePaul University, my history professor said Jesus had the best publicist (Paul/Saul) and PR about a book (Bible) in the world. One cannot argue. It is the greatest story ever told. If you don’t believe me, watch this brilliant video by the Portland Christian School sent to me by our accountant earlier today. Remember, any story worth [...]

What Makes a Tweet Retweetable?

By |2016-10-13T16:38:16-04:00December 20th, 2010|

It’s truly amazing how a far a reach have in the world. With last week’s release of the Top 10 Most Retweeted Tweets it was interesting to see what stood out for fellow tweeps and what they thought was most worthy of a retweet. So what makes a tweet retweetable? Is it the tweet or [...]

To Pitch or Not to Pitch: That is the Question

By |2016-10-13T16:38:16-04:00December 15th, 2010|

It’s that time of year when people “take a break” for the holiday season. But should you pitch the media this time of year? Or not pitch? I love Shakespeare. In fact, many of you might not even know it, I have a B.F.A. from DePaul University in theater. Let’s just say, those who know me [...]

PR Q&A | What are some secrets to giving a great interview?

By |2016-10-13T16:38:16-04:00December 10th, 2010|

Eye on media’s needs — If you make your media contact shine bright, then you will shine bright too. This applies for print as well as broadcast interviews. Discuss in advance the focus your interviewer is planning to take so you can be prepared to the max. Listen carefully to your interviewer’s questions and give [...]