All Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

By |2010-06-04T08:23:05-04:00June 4th, 2010|

Has this happened to you? You get everything ready. All your materials organized and lined up. You're so excited. You create this awesome pitch, send it out, you're clear you're going to be a star… and then nothing-- crickets chirping. You check your email vigilantly and still nothing. The next day, the same thing — [...]

PR Tips | Pitching Bloggers

By |2016-10-13T16:38:24-04:00April 28th, 2010|

When it comes to your media relations strategy you can’t forget about the bloggers. Successful bloggers have a targeted and engaged audience that you would love the opportunity to reach out to. Whether it’s self-help, green-living, finance — you name it — the people who follow these blogs look to the blogger as someone who [...]

PR No-No #4 | Losing the Media’s Interest

By |2016-10-13T16:38:24-04:00April 1st, 2010|

What can you offer the media that they can’t get elsewhere? If your pitch is tied to breaking news, you have to immediately say how you or your client will help the journalist advance the story. Tip: List topics your client can discuss that will shed new light on the news or give the journalist [...]

PR No-No #3 | Getting Lost in the Mix

By |2010-03-31T08:00:01-04:00March 31st, 2010|

[Your Subject Line] Some journalists at top tier media outlets receive up to 1500 emails an hour and the first impression a journalist, reporter or producer will get of you — and your pitch — will be your subject line. Make it relevant, simple and concise! Flooded with emails, the media will often use search [...]

PR No-No #2 | Forgetting Who the Media Serves

By |2016-10-13T16:38:24-04:00March 30th, 2010|

The media doesn't serve you — they serve their readers, listeners and viewers. When you pitch the media you have to think about how you will provide value to the media's audience, but first you have to know who that audience is. It's always important to familiarize yourself with the publication or program before you [...]

PR No-No #1 | Pitching Off Topic

By |2016-10-13T16:38:24-04:00March 5th, 2010|

Every so often, I'll be offering some tips on what NOT to do in a DIY PR campaign. Here's PR No-No #1: Pitching off topic This is common sense, or so it would seem, but you’d be surprised how frequently this occurs. You have to know — inside and out — what you are pitching [...]

What is PR? | Taking Action

By |2016-10-13T16:38:25-04:00February 24th, 2010|

..PR is constant contact. ....PR is NOT pitching once. ......PR is repetition. ........PR is the foundation. ..........PR is structure. ............PR is portion control. ..............PR is taking action. ................PR is the missing link. .................PR is partnership.

Where was the missing link?

By |2016-10-13T16:38:25-04:00February 19th, 2010|

Where was the missing link? Right under your nose? Probably. When it comes to PR, finding the missing link is like looking for your car keys; it’s usually in the most obvious place, and when you find it you’ll say to yourself, “Uh, I knew I should have looked there!” And a lot of times [...]

Socializing with the Media

By |2016-10-13T16:38:25-04:00January 18th, 2010|

In my opinion, PR is the best tool for getting the word out about yourself, your book or your product. It takes some work on your part, but with social media tools, it’s much easier to deliver your message than ever before. Today, the media uses the Internet as their primary tool for finding experts, [...]

Old Rules Still Apply

By |2016-10-13T16:38:25-04:00January 15th, 2010|

There’s no real mystery to landing great PR placements. It’s essentially remained the same from the old “can I send you our packet” days through the Internet revolution. It takes hard work and persistence, but the key has always been building good relationships. That said, there is one tool of the Internet revolution that’s transformed [...]