Take Your Business To The Next Level With Breaking News

By |2017-07-17T13:09:44-04:00July 17th, 2017|

Breaking news is what drives the media; and whether it be national or world events, politics, major scientific breakthroughs or entertainment news about celebrities or sports stars, tying your pitches to the news can be a very effective way to grab the media’s attention for your business. What’s great about breaking news is it answers [...]

Hallmark Case Study

By |2017-03-31T16:28:31-04:00March 31st, 2017|

My PR firm Wasabi Publicity represents Mutual Rescue, a nonprofit out to change the conversation from 'people or animals' to 'people and animals' because let's face it, pets rescue us as much as we rescue them.  I like to share with you exceptional case studies from public relations because deep in my heart, I know stories [...]

Your Image Here

By |2017-02-28T17:15:32-05:00February 28th, 2017|

"You're lying" said the USA Today reporter to me about how much I paid for my head-shot. "I paid $7000 for my head-shot and for sure you don't own the copyright on that photo if you didn't pay $7000." I wasn't sure what to say, except in my head I could only hear my father [...]

Mutual Rescue

By |2017-02-01T00:05:46-05:00January 31st, 2017|

Every day I take a lunch break, I pet my Siberian husky. It so relaxes me and helps me heal my adrenal burnout. And LouLou loves it too, of course! I rescued her. During her first year, she ran feral the shelter told me. Every time I see her catch bugs and grubs, it reminds [...]

City VS Country

By |2016-11-28T12:14:41-05:00November 28th, 2016|

My Spartan Trifecta Race teammate, Melissa taught TRX this spring and didn't notice J-Lo in her class. She didn't notice her entourage either. Lady Gaga needs to come to the country y'all where no one will recognize her because today she is crying she is so famous she "misses people." Country folk will see right through that. [...]

Power to the Peaceful

By |2016-11-09T14:40:13-05:00November 9th, 2016|

Stress resilience is a trending term today. Media say acceptance is a stress-resilient trait. For sure acceptance is something I've learned in my own life. Werner Erhard said, "Happiness is accepting what is." I love exploring what it means to be happy. In today's political climate, it's important, I feel, to infuse the public conversation with [...]

Quit Clowning Around!

By |2016-10-14T15:06:52-04:00October 14th, 2016|

Creepy clowns are frowned upon and in some communities, banned this year. When I was a children's entertainer during undergraduate school, I never painted my face. It scared too many preschoolers. As an adult, you know what scares me? Two-faced people. Anyone who knows me personally knows one thing for sure: I speak straight. What [...]

Baby Got Back

By |2016-10-13T16:37:50-04:00September 27th, 2016|

Every woman loves being called a pig. Especially after you've won the Miss Universe pageant. Alicia Machado developed an eating disorder after Donald Trump called her Miss Piggy. Body shaming and the presidential debates are hot news today - again. If you've not tagged your media pitching to how women view their own bodies or [...]