As votes are counted in this election, it’s clear more than ever stories impact public perception. The past few days, I’ve been channel hopping to listen to different political perspectives. Based on the storyteller, the story changes.

Who will write your story? ?

Before they write your story, they need to hear your story. Are you sharing with the press the success stories of your life? Do you have tips, tools and trade secrets that might help others in your field succeed? If so, it’s time to create a public relations plan to get the word out about you and what you can offer the public. 

In November, I’m challenging you to launch a successful PR campaign. I’ll even give you a #21DayPR workbook on how to do it. Get it here.⚡

On November 6, 13 and 20th at 1 pm eastern, I’ll coach #21DayPR participants live. Bring questions from the workbook or feel free to bring any PR question you’re facing. This is a safe place to ask any question you like. (Everyone needs a safe place! Let this be yours.)

Sign up here.?️ 

I’ll coach you on:

  1. Critical first impressions ?
  2. Creating a bio ?
  3. Creating news and story ideas ?
  4. Online press kit format ?
  5. The big WHY ?

I hope you can join us. Your story and knowledge can really help others. If you’re wanting to understand how to get press attention, this is the right challenge for you. Join us. So many have gotten national, regional and local press using this challenge. There is no cost and no opt-in. Think of it as my pandemic giveaway to help others who need to pivot their business and careers. I’m happy to serve. 

Watch past coaching sessions at Wasabi Publicity‘s YouTube Channel. Here was the last October call we held.

I hope to see you on the calls, live! The world needs to know (and benefit from) your story.