I won a debate challenge for my county once in high school. I talked about “CANtucky” as in Kentuckians can do anything. I guess the same is true for Donald Trump who continues to make himself known as a presidential contender. Such an interesting thing to watch. If you’re not riveted by this election process, well, then, I guess you’re not a big news geek like me.

News trumping others today:

> No vacays for the prez in charge, (tie it into health and why vacays are necessary for performance)

> Celebs + marriage (or divorce) = news hooks, like this one with Jennifer Aniston, (tie into relationship tips)

> Jon Stewart transitions, (tie into job transitions and career reinventions) and

> the Fantastic Four franchise might have angles for you, too. (Mmmm, perhaps why skip the movies and get outside instead.)

Whatever you do, don’t let your competition trump your news ops. Get yourself heard above the herd.