Who’s your favorite? Your pick can be big news. Kanye West says he’s the biggest rock star in the world and other, more likely ‘biggest rock star classics’ like The Who stick it to Kanye in London at a festival where at least 15,000 sign a petition to cancel his slot. “Big-ness” like “beauty” is often in the eye of the beholder and often, a generational influence impacts that perspective.
It breaks my heart, but many times “how big” someone is depends on whether they’re alive or dead. Who’s the greatest rocker? Would a rocker ‘beat’ Kanye West? Debatable and it depends largely on age.
‘Talkin’ ’bout my generation.”
You may not even clue in about your generational influences, but they are big business and marketing strategies. They also influence the news big time. You might be from the Depression Era (like my 70+ mom), a Baby Boomer (like my massage therapist), a Gen X’er (like me — I’ll be 46 this August) or a Millienial (like my niece and nephews).
Tying your news into generational preferences can make for very interesting and newsworthy discussion. Music is the easiest way to understand generational influence and it’s duly noted at the Glastonbury Festival this past Saturday.
Health news is different for young adults than retired folk. Doctors and well-being professionals can tailor their media outreach and pitching to each generation. My mom would like advice on healthy cholesterol and I would like advice on keeping healthy while sitting in front of a computer, while my nephews care more about the ins and outs of caffeine drinks. Get the drift?
Sports conversations also shift from age to age. Young athletes interest different age groups for different reasons. My niece might pay attention to strong females like her while my mom is typically only interested in the Derby. Think of your target marketing audience and reach them with your tips tailored to their interests and concerns.
There are also generational influences that marketing professionals consider. For example, Baby Boomers are free spirits, while GenXers are more independent. Millienials won’t take a step in life without their posse. So, research the preferences of your chosen market and tie-in news hooks and stories that fit their interests. Look at today’s breaking and seasonal news and see what ties to your platform (your expertise/body of work from which the public would benefit).
I will say this about my generation. I don’t think they would agree that Kanye West is the greatest rocker alive. I’m not sure WHO’d they pick, but truly there is no substitute to a big ego, at least in that person’s own mind. “Big yourself up” (talk bold and well of yourself) to your chosen generation and see who agrees or disagrees with you. Who you are is who you say you are. So, who are you?