Today, two convicts escape jail while J-Lo faces two years in prison for shaking her famous butt in Morocco. What will be your 15 minutes of fame? Your famous ‘break?’
This weekend, many theater professionals got their 15 minutes on TV fame during the 2015 Tony Awards. However, their ‘big break’ came when they landed their first professional acting job in the first place.
Then, there are the sports professionals who claim their fame from those famous words, ‘play ball.’ Some of these athletes get more notoriety from their ‘playing off field’ than on-court, like Tiger Woods who is in the news today for sabotaging his own career say some.
In health news today, there’s a ‘break’ of MERS in South Korea and now a common sight on the street is mask-wearing. That’ll get you noticed. I wore a mask on a plane once to keep others’ creepy germs from infecting me. Later, my doctor told me keeping a mask on keeps the germs closed in around my mouth so it was probably best to go unprotected. (At least the mask kept the plane’s toilet scent from violating my nostrils. For that, I was happy and so I still carry a mask, “just in case.”)
Today, entertainment, dance, prison, sports and health experts can assist the media and get their 15 minutes of fame. Break free from your fear of pitching the media what you know and what you think. Don’t know how to get started? Try where media and sources meet for free. Get out there and let your media friends know what you have to say. You never know …
Will your big break come today?