I live in the South, about three hours east of Atlanta. Here a great meal is described as “your meat and two sides.” If you’re lucky, you’ll get three sides. I love this saying. Truth be told, the South is rich with sayings: “Bless your heart.” Or, “Y’all come back now, ya hear?” The hospitality is as thick as Duke mayonnaise in a ‘tater salad. I bring up meat and two sides because this Friday, August 21st, I’ll be disclosing the essential ingredients to pitching yourself to the press. There’s the “meat” and the “two sides” of any pitch.

Let’s break down your recipe to score a great press portfolio:


Any good pitch starts with clarity. You must narrow your pitch to three sentences or less. On page 77 in our workbook, “21 Day PR Action Guide: The Who, What, When, and Where to Launch A Successful PR Campaign” we go over how to prepare the meat:

a) Solve a problem ?

b) Match your credentials ?

c) Get to the point (no fluff!) ?

d) Add facts (stats and studies are great!) ?

e) Answer why the public cares ?

Download this workbook for no cost, no opt-in during the pandemic at PitchRate.com. It’s our gift to you. With the workbook, complete our #21DayPRActionGuide challenge. We’re right in the middle of the August challenge. You can read about past challenges at the WasabiPublicity.com blog.


Once you simmer your ‘meat’ create your sides. With PR, these sides are simply:

a) Succinct subject lines that tie into seasonal or breaking news ?

b) Tips, tools, steps, soundbites, or stats ?

Just like you choose for your side: potatoes, rice, mixed veggies or salad, so do you dish up your pitch with added perks related to your news hooks.

We’ll cook your PR pitch meat and two sides this Friday at 1 pm eastern.

Join me, click here to register! ?

PS: If you missed the last two calls, here they are:

? PR Secrets: How to Be Outstanding

? How to be a Great Storyteller