Shot-in-the-gut Author Randy Gage on Trayvon Martin & Stand Your Ground Laws

Shot-in-the-gut Author Randy Gage on Trayvon Martin & Stand Your Ground Laws

Do you share personal information when you pitch the media? From gruesome to glorious, the media needs to know your personal stories. It’s what adds depth to the segments they’re producing and the articles they’re writing. I even had a Good Morning America producer say to me once, “I have the doctor I need to provide tips; I just need the characters to round out the story for the public.” So, think about the areas of your life that are dramatic and compelling. Then share them! In this case, I did a quick Skype video on breaking news related to the tragic Trayvon Martin breaking news and how it’s impacting ‘stand your ground laws.’ You can do a quick video like this too so producers and journalists see your perspective as they prepare the news for public consumption. Just reflect and be sure you are okay with how personal you get. In the end, trust your instinct. Don’t share about your life unless you are comfortable with it. This is because the media will dig into every nook and cranny about your story — they need to in order to get their jobs done. But hey, if you’re willing to dig deep, get personal and share from the heart — all of us can learn from your story and insights. The world will be better for your contribution. So get personal and then get booked with the media.


Filed under: Topics Tagged: al sharpton, florida, miami, randy gage, shot in stomach by crack addict, stand your ground laws, trayvon martin, using skype video to pitch media