Media Menu

By |2017-10-20T12:41:38-04:00October 19th, 2017|

I'm headed to the National Publicity Summit soon. Here's a media menu of our clients, also listed at Find last minute sources at Wasabi Publicity's claim-to-fame is online press kits. This blog saves schlepping supplies to & from summit. Enjoy. Sandra Joseph: The Phantom's Christine "Unmasks" in 2018 for 30th anniversary Josselyne Herman Saccio: How To [...]

Mind Trap: Do You Suffer From Overly Creative Disorder (OCD)?

By |2017-08-11T13:18:28-04:00August 11th, 2017|

When people are stuck, especially entrepreneurs, the problem is rarely a lack of ideas. We’re a creative lot. The problem is we often have too many ideas. We suffer from Overly Creative Disorder – which, trust me, is a lot more fun than my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, but still leaves us stuck in the sand. [...]

A Roadmap to Getting Unstuck

By |2017-08-11T13:07:12-04:00August 7th, 2017|

Will and I spent a winter in Croatia. (Side note: if you haven’t been, go! It’s a spectacular country.) We’d spent a few days in Split and we were heading down to Dubrovnik for the rest of winter. We were all set with a map, there were road signs, and I’d printed the directions. For [...]

What’s Important To You?

By |2017-08-04T12:42:05-04:00August 4th, 2017|

If you read my post Freedom From Your Mind Traps you might have discovered you know someone who is stuck in the Over-Thinking Mind Trap. You may know this person very well [wink]. In my book, Destination Aha! Becoming Unstuck in Life and Business, I take the reader through several exercises to free themselves from [...]

Are You a Back Stabber?

By |2017-08-01T14:12:53-04:00August 1st, 2017|

Are you a back stabber? Spin back stabbing stories to news we can use. How about 'back stabbing' tips to relieve knots, shoulder pain and tight traps? Watch this hilarious online video, "60 Second Stretches to Get Knots from Shoulders, Upper Back and Traps" from Bob and Brad (self-declared) the most famous physical therapists on the internet. [...]

Freedom From Your Mind Traps

By |2017-07-24T13:52:15-04:00July 24th, 2017|

One of our biggest assets can also be the thing that trips us up and gets us stuck: our minds. Used properly, your mind is a brilliant engine of creativity, productivity and life satisfaction. Used improperly (which all of us do from time to time), your mind can become quicksand, a hamster wheel or a [...]

How To Land Big Fish PR Placements… And Beat Our Record

By |2017-07-21T14:16:45-04:00July 21st, 2017|

One of the things I love most about my life is talking to potential clients, and what I have found is they all pretty much want the same thing: national media coverage with recognizable high level venues such as CNN, Fast Company, O The Oprah Magazine, Dr. Oz, etc. Nothing establishes credibility and increases awareness [...]