Are you still not convinced about the power of social media: blogs, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more? A blog visitor alerted me that an old holiday photo of my mother, husband, Siberian husky and myself was picked up as “TOP 20 holiday cheer pet photos” on Mentos and BuzzFeed (both have respectable Internet ranks). I had forgotten about this holiday photo, but since others claim to get cheer from it, I’m posting it again. I hope you get some joy out of it. Our family laughs until tears bubble up because Shannon and I look like we were up pretty late the night before and my dog is hating life while “Oma” is playing cuddle, cuddle with the miserable baby. Hysterical. Plus, the hat on Lou Lou’s head made a musical tune she loathed. The PR lesson here is get out there. Share yourself. If you want to get noticed by others for your services, products, books, organizational good deeds and more, there is nothing – nothing like the power of social media and PR placements. Always use photos and videos in your social media (they get noticed on the Internet as long as you title them strategically). Learn to leverage the media placements you do score with your social media connections. Merry Christmas everyone. If you don’t celebrate Christmas, then Happy Holidays and an amazing adventurous new year to you. Please write to Wasabi Publicity and let us know how PublicityResults can help you realize your dreams in 2012 and for sure take advantage of all our free PR services at PitchRate. (Yes, that was a plug. See, plugs don’t hurt you now do they? We all have to put food on the table
Now, go get you some PR! Don’t be afraid to be the buzz.)

Filed under: Topics, Uncategorized Tagged: be the buzz, blogs, book PR, Facebook, holiday pet photo, linkedin, maria tennant, Michelle Tennant Nicholson, oma, PR placements, publicity results, Shannon Nicholson, siberian husky in santa hat, Twitter, using social media, wasabi publicity