Finding your PR voiceThe first maxim of PR marketing (and some would say of life) is “Know thyself.” Because if you’re not clear about YOU, how do you expect the media to be clear… right?

If you’re not crystal about who you are and what you have to offer it’s time for you to do some soul-searching and get clear on your purpose, messaging, and your goals. This is the most important step to engage the media and to be successful in life.

Here are 3 steps to take on your journey of self-discovery:

1. Ask yourself: “Why?” Although it sounds simple, it’s so pivotal. Asking this question will get you clear on your purpose and the direction you should be taking. It gives you the road map – the actions you need to take to achieve your goals and purpose. Once you have clarity about this you’ll know what you have to offer the media’s viewers,
readers, and listeners.

2. Keep a journal. There’s no better way to track your thoughts and actions than with a journal. As nuggets of brilliance show up throughout your day, write them down. If you see something on TV or read something that moves you or calls to you, write it down! Initially this might seem like an interruption, but ultimately you’ll have a treasure chest of your ideas, dreams, and aspirations. You’ll also have an account of your successes (and failures) as you move forward. We learn from both achievement and failure and you’ll be surprised how much clarity you’ll get from jotting down your thoughts and actions each day. It’s the ultimate self-exploration.

3. Know how you occur in the world. In my last post I discussed how you should practice interviewing yourself. Now it’s time for you to interview others, namely your friends and trusted colleagues. Have a party! Grab a cocktail and ask your guests: “What’s special about me? How can I make a difference in the world?” These are the people you respect – but more importantly, you trust them. This exercise will give you a glimpse at how you’re occurring in the world. Most people think that the way they occur in their head is the way they occur in the world. Do this exercise and find out.

Some of these steps may seem simple, but you’d be surprised how many people miss out on opportunities and placements because they don’t have a clear sense of themselves or their mission, the purpose of their business or service, or their reason for being on the planet.

Knowing yourself really brings you clarity about why you do what you do. Make sure it’s translating out into reality. When you align what you’re doing with why you’re doing it, and with how you’re occurring in the world, you’ll have amazing success in engaging the media and potential clients. And in the end, you’ll have gone a long way towards finding you.