This Friday will be our first #21DayPRActionGuide challenge call in August. If you missed the previous challenges, you can get caught up on the Wasabi Publicity blog. ?

We’ll be discussing the first part of my book, “21 Day PR Action Guide: The Who, What, When, and Where To Launch a Successful PR Campaign.” If you haven’t already done so, download it free during the pandemic here, at, a free media lead service.  My business partner, Drew Gerber and I wrote this workbook to lead readers through the natural progression of creating and delivering a successful PR campaign. In other words, it’s all of our secrets! Enjoy. We believe the more you give something away, the more it comes back to you.

? So what secrets are we giving away this week? We’ll be addressing questions like these: 

  1. Why do you want press coverage in the first place?
  2. Does your bio work or is it weak?
  3. How do you stand out in a crowded newsroom?
  4. What are the essential elements of an online press kit, media alert, press release, and photo opportunity?
  5. How do you create the best news and story ideas related to breaking, seasonal, and evergreen angles?
  6. Why research is always your first step.

If you like secrets of the successful, join us. Not only will I be spilling the beans on how I recently scored national NBC TV, but also, how you too can create secret weapons at the start of every PR campaign you start.

? I look forward to speaking everyone this Friday, August 14th at 1 pm Eastern. 

Click here for a last minute registration.??️