Well, it’s not really July yet, but it is time to think about the holiday season if you’re pitching glossy, national print magazines. I like to prepare a “round-up” of current clients and story ideas I have available for my media friends. Once I start working directly with the media contact, I then customize the stories and sources they need. Until then, I prepare and share something like this. Here is my actual round-up from this week. {{Jingle jingle.}}
I’ve represented top sources with connections to everyday families, businesses and endless profiles in every state for the past 20 years. How can I be of assistance to you? – Michelle Tennant, Publicist, 828.749.3200 Here are a few things I have in my back pocket right now:Secret Study/Life Skills from Top Students and Corporate Executives – Award-winning study and life skills experts Rick and Teena Kamal teamed up with education experts from Stanford, Boston and Duke universities, the University of Chicago and MIT, to create MCS3 – The Most Complete Student Success System. With three editions for students in middle school, high school and college, it’s a complete program for students to learn study strategies, master all types of tests and get better grades. Rick and Teena were motivated to create this system, which has won multiple consumer awards, based on their extensive corporate hiring experience and their concern as parents for the future of America. From adults going back to school to change careers to grade school students, these study secrets have helped most students increase their GPA by 1.7 points. I’d love to show you the system.
Is Your Favorite TV Program Teaching You to Be Poor? – Named as one of 25 hot speakers in Speakermagazine, Randy Gage is the author of eight books and dozens of audio and video resources on success that have been translated into more than 25 languages and sold millions of copies worldwide. He asserts favorite TV programs, movies and the company you keep may give you subversive perspectives that keep you from making money. He should know. He’s a jail-bird turned drug addict turned failed business owner into a multi-millionaire successful entrepreneur. While covered extensively abroad, his remarkable story remains largely untold in the states.
Are You Financially Fit? – Savings Expert Pamela Yellen, author of the New York Times Bestseller BANK ON YOURSELF: The Life-Changing Secret to Growing and Protecting Your Financial Future, lost money investing the traditional way. Then she decided to research 450 savings and investment strategies, some that have been around for 100 years. Why aren’t people talking about these strategies used by people like Disney, J.C. Penney and more? So now, Yellen is teaching people how to be financially fit.
What Your Body Is Trying to Tell You! – Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz, MD., Ph.D. is in demand by all the major television talk shows and explains how to understand our five basic emotions. Whether it’s the brain, body or health, Dr. Mona Lisa Schulz has fresh insights. No wonder she’s in demand for interviews all the time.
How Multi-tasking Wilts Relationships and Results – Integrative psychologist and expert in NLP and Huna Matthew B. James, MA., Ph.D.,, discusses why multi-tasking simply doesn’t work and actually harms your health. He blogs for the Huffington Post and for Psychology Today.
Religiously Rigid? – Sai Maa is the first woman ever to receive this special, distinguished spiritual title; the first one in 5,000 years. Ask me about the title. See what she says Americans need to learn about religious tolerance.
Turning Ordinary Into Extraordinary – Ever wonder how everyday athletes, business owners, parents and leaders break through what stops them to achieve extraordinary results with others? Landmark Education is the leader in personal and professional growth and development in 20 countries. Time Magazine calls them the “first stop on any transformation tour.” People take their courses and turn ordinary lives, business and performance into extraordinary results. I have tons of stories and experts from this global source.
Millenial Makeovers – Chelsea Krost was the youngest radio host ever at the tender age of 16. Now in her 20s she’s the voice of her generation. From fashion to bullying, no topic affecting the Millenial Generation is off-topic for Chelsea. Recently, she’s taken on Millenial Makeovers.
Music for the Masses – In this economy what parent can afford piano lessons? With the pocket-sized, easy-to-learn “sweet potato” everyone can afford to offer the gift of music to their family. The ocarina is famous again thanks to popular video games. It dates back thousands of years. The teachers at the St. Louis School of Music can teach children to play the ocarina in one week’s time. The wind instrument is even a great workout for growing bodies.
I am here to assist you with your source needs. Thanks Michelle Tennant Nicholson, Chief Creative Officer aka http://www.SourceSlave.com Wasabi Publicity, Inc. michelle@publicityresults.com 828.749.3200 XXX.XXX.XXXX (after hours cell/texting) Got rated sources? http://www.PitchRate.com My blog: http://www.StorytellerToTheMedia.com PS: If you can’t use my story ideas and source suggestions, simply email me and I will remove you from my personal update list. Have a nice day.![]()
Filed under: Topics Tagged: magazine pitching, Michelle Tennant Nicholson, pitching, PR, PR secrets, PR Tips, public relations, sources for media, top publicist