With thousands of media channels competing for your attention, how can you gauge the value of getting mentioned or interviewed on TV, radio, print, or online media?

PR is a game where anything is possible and the sky’s the limit. We’ve landed exposure for our clients in top media from Oprah to CNN to the Wall Street Journal. Yet many authors, speakers, and companies that set out to make a name for themselves don’t understand what the media wants, or how to go about giving it to them. Here are three tips on how to leverage PR successfully:

1. Get clear about your goals.

There are thousands of venues in the current media landscape and every one of them brings value to the table. You just need to sort out which venues are the best fit for you. Maybe a placement in a specific trade venue will do more to move the dial for you and your business than a placement in a national general consumer magazine or a top morning show interview. Or maybe a placement in your own backyard with a local media outlet is your winning ticket.

2. Know the difference between being featured vs. being quoted as an expert.

Often clients with no previous media exposure will envision their company, product, or service featured in a top magazine or on TV. But that’s not necessarily how PR works. Most of the time, the media is looking for you to bring value to their readers, viewers, or listeners. They’re looking for your expertise to support their stories. This type of coverage is a win-win because you provide the media with value and you get quoted as a thought leader or expert, which is incredibly valuable to you.

3. Leverage media placements to reach your goals.

Media coverage is a means to an end, not an end in itself. The key is to use it to attract potential clients and to take your business to the next level. This is where social media can help spread the message.

When you land a great interview or placement, let the world know!

Share it with your fans, followers, and connections; email it to your potential clients; and add it to your website. Nothing builds and establishes your credentials like PR. But in order for PR to do that, people need to know about it.