It’s amazing how the littlest things in life can bring a sense of comfort and peace. I had forgotten how reassuring it could be to hear someone speak your native tongue in somewhere not so native. It was an unexpected surprise in the most unusual place. We are staying at a house here in Merida, but it is more what we think of us a condo. The houses are attached and surround an amazing courtyard with our own pool (

Our neighbor Mary invited us to go to the Slow Food Market here in Merida. If you’re not familiar with the movement you should defiantly check it out ( The movement is a wonderful idea that links the experience of great food with local community commitments and the environment. Slow Food is a global, grassroots organization with supporters in 150 countries around the world who are linking the pleasure of good food with a commitment to their community and the environment.

I think we can learn a lot from this movement.
When I work with people on their branding I try to help them realize that the most important measure is their contribution. Why should the media care about your product or contribution? The media is not interested in promoting you just to promote you. There are looking at you to see what your value is to their audience.

Just like Slow Foods International that started small but became a global phenomenon, you’re looking for an appeal to a target audience.

Do you have an appeal? Does your message resonate with your target market? What sets you apart from everyone else?