DIY PR Campaign
Thinking about doing PR yourself might seem overwhelming, but with a little partnership and the right resources, anyone can be successful.
The PR Path
When it comes to PR, there are two possible paths: Hire a publicist, or do it yourself. If resources weren’t a factor, like most people, you would choose to hire a publicist, right? But sometimes in business we need to look for creative solutions that serve us and our business, and that make sense from a financial perspective.
Right message, right media, right time
Our DIY PR option is an affordable, customized service where you choose what serves you best. We will partner with you to provide clarity and plan your PR campaign, ensuring you invest your time and money wisely. Think of us as your own personal PR Virtual Assistant available at your beck and call!
So, what makes a successful PR campaign? Simply pitching the right message, to the right media, at the right time. Makes sense, right? But what does this look like in the real world?
How it works
During the first month, we work together to focus on your foundation to ensure you are putting best foot forward and that you have everything in place to be successful. We do this by partnering with you to assemble your online press kit so it grabs the media’s attention and has everything the media needs, when they need it.
This foundation is the key to our team landing the kind of media placements our PR clients want.

Your brand is evolving with every media interview you do, and your press kit should reflect this, so we work with you ongoingly to keep it updated. You should always highlight your current media placements; whether you are introducing yourself to the media, or when they are looking for a source in our searchable press kit database.
Do what you love, let our team do the rest
Once your online press kit is complete, the next step is deciding what support you need to launch your PR campaign. With PR DIY you get to choose which of these elements you would like to focus on each month.
Clear about your message (aka your pitch) and want to make sure it’s delivered to the RIGHT media? The Wasabi Publicity team will work with you to create a customized list from our database.
Customize your support by choosing one add-on option each month.
Recommended campaign timeline
Feeling a little overwhelmed and need more structure? Here’s an example of what your campaign might look like. These recommendations are a guide on how to launch your PR campaign within 90 days.
Feel like this is the kind of partnership and support you’ve been looking for?

We believe that conversations change everything — and the quickest way to change the conversation is with PR. We also believe that in order to bring calm to the chaos and create a world that works for everyone, we need to support people like you to make that happen.
Please click on the button below to fill out a quick form so that we can learn about you. Then, sign up for a free 30-minute call with us.
Be well,