PR Your way

PR with flexiblity and freedom. 

Why do we start with a press kit?

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Design and customize your own PR campaign


Focus your PR investiment in the way you want 

Allows flexibility

Here are the different elements inside a campaign – dGives you flex and freedom to fit inside your budget – freedom to leverage your investment

Try each of those before you go down the path to know what to focus on…

Clarity and resources to ensure your PR success.

We partner with you to provide the clarity and tools to ensure your PR success. Every PR campaign needs a solid foundation, aka an online press kit.

It’s one of the most important tools our team uses to ensure every one of our PR campaigns is structured for success.

An online press kit keeps you organized and able to serve the media right away when they come knocking. And as part of our searchable press kit database for the media, it works around the clock.

Online PressKit 24/7® Assembly

Put your best foot forward.

Ongoing Support

Your own personal PR Virtual Assistant!

Database Inclusion

You’ll be viewed as an expert.


Leave the technical stuff up to us.

Expand Your Media Contacts

A targeted media contact list.

Amplify Your Credibility

Your written press release sent out on the wire.

Tell Your Story

Work with a senior writer on any PR writing project you’d like.

Get Expert Help

60-minute coaching call with anyone on our team.

The Details of DIY PR (Menu of Services)

Our DIY PR option is an affordable, customized service where you choose what serves you best. We will partner with you to provide clarity and plan your PR campaign, ensuring you invest your time and money wisely. Think of us as your own personal PR Virtual Assistant available at your back and call!


Set Up and Assembly: $500

Hosting and Support: $100/month

Writing Support (Clarifying and Positioning): $1,500


Set Up and Assembly: $500

Hosting and Support: $100/month

Writing Support (Clarifying and Positioning): $1,500

Drew Gerber Wasabi

We believe that conversations change everything — and the quickest way to change the conversation is with PR. We also believe that in order to bring calm to the chaos and create a world that works for everyone, we need to support people like you to make that happen.

Be well,


If you have questions, please email me at