Overwhelm to Ease:


When you think about writing a book, does your chest tighten, your pulse quicken, and your mind feel completely overwhelmed?

You’re not alone.

Even for seasoned writers, the thought of writing a book can be daunting.

Add in self-doubt about your ability as a writer and you’re stopped in your tracks.

I was… for seven years.

My excuses were the usual: I don’t have enough time. I have other priorities. I’ll eventually get around to it.

But deep down, I knew that wasn’t true. If writing a book was truly a priority for me. I knew I would find the time and make it happen.

The truth was, I just didn’t know where to begin.

Oh, I attempted to write my book… but I’d just stare at a blank screen. I really did try, but I let feelings of overwhelm and self-doubt shift my mindset and I stopped.

Here’s the deal: I’m the CEO of a successful PR firm;I’ve done this work, and done it well, for over 17 years. I coach clients ALL DAY LONG on the value of writing their own book.

Having a book…

  • Attracts the perfect clients.
  • Establishes you as a go-to expert.
  • Acts as the ultimate calling card.
  • Works around the clock for you.
  • Grabs the media’s attention.

More importantly, the book you write won’t just change the lives of other people… the process itself will inevitably change your life.

It brings two things into crystalline focus: the “why” behind what you’re doing, and the message you want to deliver.

You get to know yourself differently.
But even knowing all this, did I sit down and write my own book? Nope.

I’d even seen first-hand the results that having a book produced for our clients.

Like our client Dr. Matthew B. James: Of course we got him media coverage before his book launch. But once his book was published? We were able to get him phenomenal coverage on CNN, HLN, and Psychology Today (to name a few).

Other clients of ours have gotten top tier placements in Woman’s World, Outside Magazine, and on Dr. Phil – you name it! – ALL with the help of their books.

I’m now teaching seminars to hundreds of people compared to dozens last year!

“Having a book out there has made a HUGE difference. I’d wanted to write one for years, but Heather’s process made getting it done possible, even with my crazy schedule.”

Matthew B. James, MA, Ph.D., Huna.com

The interview with Dr. Phil was great!

“Wow! The interview with Dr. Phil was great! My book ranking on Amazon.com shot up to 16 that day and my Barnes & Noble ranking shot to 23!”

Dr. Jill Murray, DrJillMurray.com

Everything changed for me while attending a client’s event in LA. My jig was up when I sat down to have breakfast with a good friend, Heather Estay; Heather is an amazing writer who has helped several of our PR clients write their books.

I don’t remember how our conversation turned to me writing a book, but I shared with Heather my desire and how I’d been talking about this thing for SEVEN years. (Honestly, people were tired of me whining about it!)

I also shared with her all my excellent excuses: “I run a company, for God’s sake! Where will I find the time?” “I’m not really a writer [yada yada yada].” “Besides, I have so many ideas, I have no idea where to start.”

Heather’s reply?: “Drew, that’s just crazy.”

According to her, writing a book is no big deal. “I’ve got a process I can run you through. It’s all about clarity. You can whip your book into shape in a couple of months.”

She started talking me through a whole new way to approach the process.

Everything shifted for me. I went from hopeless to hopeful — probably for the first time ever — and I truly believed I could finally write a book.

(Side note: Heather has written and ghostwritten a ton of fiction and nonfiction books. She’s a Stanford grad. She was one of the first students in a Ph.D. program for Transpersonal Psychology. She knows what she’s talking about. Oh, and she’s a black belt, so I tend to listen when she talks.)

Heather Estay

We were able to create a book that we feel great about!

“My partners and I tried writing this book with a ghostwriter but we just weren’t getting what we wanted. It was really frustrating! We knew we had great ideas but it wasn’t coming together. Heather worked with us to get really clear on our intentions and, using her approach, we were able to create a book that we feel great about. To say that we couldn’t have done this without her and what she taught us would be an understatement!”

Carol Van Bruggen, CFP, Foord, Van Bruggen, Ebersole and Pajak

By the time I sat down to write, the book was practically written!

“I’m not a professional writer but I was determined to write a book! My first book took me two years that included a lot of frustration, stops and starts. For my second book, I worked with Heather and the experience was like night and day! Before even writing a word, she worked me through a process so I had a clear outline of the whole book, each chapter, my target audience, critical messages — even where to place graphics. By the time I sat down to write, the book was practically written!”

Adrianne Ahern, Ph.D., SnapOutOfItNow.com

Not only did my perspective about writing a book shift, but Heather said something that sparked an idea; it was a way to leverage what I know, along with her knowledge, to create a program that would make a really difference for people.

Heather pointed out that the skills I already had – how to make sure the media (and therefore my target audience) will LOVE the topic – is EXACTLY the piece that most authors are missing!

So I said to her, “Wouldn’t it would be a great if we put the two pieces together: your brilliant writing process and my knowledge about book marketing?”

She made a good point. People don’t need more information:

“There are a million eBooks and teleseminars on book writing and how to run your own media campaign on the internet. Free ones. Good ones. And honestly? Information alone won’t help people get a book done or get their PR campaigns launched. Information is cheap but it won’t get folks where they want to go.”

I totally agreed: “I’m talking about more than just information. I’m talking about a hands-on program, teaching people an entirely different approach to writing and book marketing.”

She thought about it.

Finally, she said okay and we put our talents together.

The result?

Overwhelm To Ease:
Writing the Book that Puts YOU on the Map

Overwhelm To Ease book writing program


Blast through Mental Barriers

I’m way too busy. I’m not a good writer. I don’t know where to start. I have too many ideas. I don’t have enough to say. I have too much to say. I tried it before and it didn’t work out. It seems overwhelming. What if I spend all that time, money and energy and end up with nothing from it at all?


Is writing a book really more difficult than other things you’ve accomplished in your life? No. But the myths and mystery around writing have created roadblocks for way too many of us.

Through this course, you learn:

  • Secrets for blasting through so-called Writer’s Block
  • How to ignite your idea generating genius
  • How to get a book to write itself!

Getting the #@!&#!?! Thing Done!

You’re successful. You’ve accomplished more than others can’t even imagine. You know how to prioritize, promote and produce. But even though you know how incredibly valuable authoring a book is to forwarding your career, increasing your income, building your brand and making a difference in the world, have you managed to complete one? (Or if you have, do you hyperventilate thinking about attempting another one?)

It ain’t that hard – if you know what you’re doing.

We’ll lead you through our systematic approach to:

  • Complete your book quickly – the book that practically writes itself OR
  • Guide a ghostwriter so you get exactly what you want OR
  • Develop a compelling book proposal to submit to one of the Big Boy publishers
  • Use professional writers’ tricks to drive your most critical messages home; write persuasively, professionally and quickly

How to Write a Media-Friendly Book

Too many books sit in boxes covered with cobwebs in dusty old garages. Why? Because the author didn’t know how to test-market the book before they went to the trouble, time and expense of writing it! Of course, they asked their friends and neighbors, their uncles and babysitters… who all thought the topic would be a real winner.

But who should they have asked?

The media!

And no, you can’t just call up Oprah and run your book idea past her. But you can test-market your book and get valuable insight with the media before writing word one.

We’ll take you through a step by step process to:

  • Get the inside scoop on what the media is looking for
  • Use the perfect pitch formula that landed Dr. Phil for our client within 8 hours
  • Have an audience interested in your book – even before it’s written!

Get EXACTLY What You Want From Your Book

What can a great book do for its author? Plenty. Jack Canfield became a household name. Dr. Stephen Covey sparked a movement. Malcolm Gladwell, the author of Blink, was named one of Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People.

But what do YOU want?

Your specific answer to that question will determine everything: your target audience, your book’s style and voice, how and when it’s published, its title, cover graphics, even how many pages!

We’ll reveal:

  • The secret to getting exactly what you want from your book
  • How to choose a publishing vehicle that ensures your desired outcome
  • The exact steps to identify your sweet spots: the target market that will help fulfill your goals – and how to write the book that will captivate them!

How to Write a Book that SELLS!

The #1 mistake many authors make? Writing about what they feel strongly about – without considering what their readers feel strongly about! You’ve devised surefire tips for men to become better husbands, but these husbands are focused on getting more sex! If you ignore that, your Learn to be a Great Husband book will remain on the shelf while Get What You Want in the Bedroom (by Giving Her What She Wants in the Kitchen) flies off the shelves!

We’ll give you the essential keys to:

  • Answering your target market’s most pressing questions
  • Targeting your readers’ sweet spots and hot buttons
  • Having your book hit the bull’s eye!

How to Become a Book-Writing Black Belt

Do you have just one book in you? Probably not. Most of us have several we could write – if we knew the process, knew how to enjoy the process, and knew we could successfully complete a book we started every time!

You’ll focus on one particular book during this course. But at the end, you’ll have:

  • The path to create any type of book you want to write in the future
  • The tools and tricks to write anything (blogs, articles, reports, etc.) more quickly, effectively – and with more enjoyment!
  • The industry expert’s formula to get media to LOVE any book, idea, event or project

Keeping Passion Alive

Some people feel that creating a book is pure drudgery but they plow through and do it anyway. You don’t have to be one of those people. Doesn’t your best work come when you are excited about a project? Hint. The answer is YES!

We’ll spark ahas that:

  • Keep you on track
  • Relight the fire of inspiration
  • Have you see the resources and support available all around you

So, exactly what will you get?

Passion to Profit: Writing the Book that Puts YOU on the Map includes:

  • 7 In-depth, Info-packed Webinars led by Heather Estay, a seasoned book writing coach/expert and Drew Gerber, a highly successful public relations guru.
  • Recordings and Transcriptions to review the value-packed webinars at your own convenience. Use them to write multiple books!
  • Step-by-Step Action Guides that teach you how to write, what to write, and how to make whatever you write 24 karat GOLD!
  • Everything You Need to support you in finally writing that book you have always wanted to write. But just to be clear, in order for that to happen, ACTION IS NEEDED!

If you are ready to be in action, let us support you to make it happen:

Overwhelm To Ease book writing program

Sign Me Up!

We also know you are not writing a book just to write a book. You want to get it out into the world, so we are giving you a bonus to enable you to powerfully launch your new book to the media. Our 21 Day PR Action Guide walks you through step-by-step how to launch a PR campaign in 21 days!

BONUS: 21 Day PR Action Guide

A microlearning experience designed for the busy entrepreneur, our action guide walks you step-by-step through how to land the media coverage you desire and shows you exactly how to answer essential questions for grabbing the media’s attention.

21 Day PR Action Guide

Questions like:

  • How do I stand out from the crowd?
  • What does it take to make a great first impression?
  • Who is my perfect media match?

This guide will not teach you everything we know about PR. After all, it’s not about you being publicist, right? It’s about learning exactly how to launch a PR campaign, and how to do it in 21 days. We’re confident you’ll have a good foundation and the skills needed to land great media coverage.

You now have everything you need to support you in writing your book and to powerfully launch it into the media.

Are you ready to take that step?

100% Happiness Guaranteed

We want to make sure this is exactly what will make THE difference for you, so we want to offer you a 100% Happiness Guarantee!

We want to make sure that Passion to Profit: Writing the Book that Puts YOU on the Map exceeds your exceptions and that you are 100% thrilled about the time and money you are investing.

If you are not 100% satisfied, we’ll refund your money.

If for any reason at all this course does not exceed your expectations, contact me at info@wasabipublicity.com before the beginning of the third class and we will gladly refund your money.

Sign Me Up!

To your success!

Drew Gerber, CEO
Wasabi Publicity, Inc.

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