The fourth Thursday of every April is officially Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work (TODASTW) Day. Is your company, nonprofit, family, or school doing something with this now federally-recognized day?

Even Obama got in on the action to promote causes near and dear to his heart.

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So did we. Wasabi Publicity has worked with the foundation in past years, but officially in 2015, we’re out to use public awareness to raise funds for the TODASTW foundation. It’s something we believe so strongly in, we’re now featured at the foundation’s donation page:[su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#fe0c10″ size=”5″ center=”yes” radius=”10″]Donate Today[/su_button] [su_spacer size=”15″] You can make a difference with us by helping us spread the word in social media and elsewhere: #FUND & #MPOWR #TODASTW.

Then empower your own cause.

I can’t tell you how many media people are looking for local businesses to highlight in their coverage tomorrow. I know, because they’re calling me for the information. Some times I have a company. Some times I don’t. Have YOU gotten the word out about how you’re promoting the bright future of our young people? (Don’t forget to tell the publicists in charge of the events — you never know. They might need you as a source.)

#MPOWR is the 2015 theme for TODASTW. #MPOWR your media coverage by tying into international movements and events.